Snowfall - February 24-26, 2007

We had our first serious snowfall of the Winter last weekend. Oh, we've had some decent snows, a couple incidents of really unsettling frreezing-rain/sleet, and some real cold (down to -20 F or so, about -30 C) but this is the first snowfall that made a serious attempt to cover us up and slow us down. I haven't used a ruler myself, but the weather shows said something on the order of 8 inches (20 cm). I had a fine, quiet day at home with the computer, the cats, the internet, the spouse, and a nice mug of hot chocolate.

It started out prettily, with some of the largest flakes we've ever seen.


And then there were more of the large flakes

We went out and caught some pictures of fallen pine branches just being covered up


The snow started covering the playing fields near our house


And the next day, things were really white. The fence surrounds the outdoor hockey rink.


Well, it kept on snowing


And I found that evening that shooting in the dusk with a flash got both snowflakes and vista.


By the morning of the 26th, we had gotten quite a bit of pretty snow. QUITE a bit.